Ram Charan’s maiden Bollywood project ‘Zanjeer’ has been surrounded by controversies ever since it was launched. Firstly, the copy rights issue pointed out by script writers Javed Akhtar and Salim Khan demanding a monetary compensations of Rs 6 crore from the producers of ‘Zanjeer 2.0’. Later, the petition filed by Businessman Prince Tuli demanding the removal of scenes featuring his bike in the song ‘Mumbai Ka Hero’. Lastly, the threat calls from the Seemandhra and Telangana agitators over stalling the release of the film on September 6th.
While the Mumbai High Court on Monday dismissed the plea of writers Javed Akhtar and Salim Khan to stall the release, petition filed by Prince Tuli will be coming for hearing on this Wednesday. On the other hand, Separatists and Integrationists haven’t be able to take a clear stand on ‘Toofan’ release until now. Tollywood is hopeful of a positive statement from JACs by Tomorrow. If the agitators disrupt the screening of ‘Toofan’, the release of other biggies will be postponed further and this situation would only multiply the losses for the people associated with these projects.