With none other than Mahesh Babu openly announced that Brahmotsavam would hit the screens on May 20, Nithiin is now in dilemma over the release of his next A..Aa. Though the film happens to be collaboration of Nithiin and Trivikram for the first-time and featuring Samantha as female lead, trade is of the opinion that the film would get maximum advantage only if it avoids clash with biggie like Mahesh film.
Though initially planned to release on May 6th, later they have moved to May 27th given that Suriya’s 24 and Dharam Tej-starrer Supreme were releasing. Now the makers of A..Aa are contemplating on the film’s release again as Mahesh arriving on 20th is crystal clear. The unit of A..Aa are caught in two minds as they don’t want to miss the Summer holidays and at the same time want to have good release without having jostle for screens.
If A..Aa has to be pushed to June 3, the film might have to lock horns with Rajinikanth’s Kabali which is yet another big-budget film with massive expectations.Given that already Nithiin’s last films didn’t do well at the marquee, A..Aa turns out to be crucial for him. Will Nithiin bite the bullet and come on May 27th or will he go back?