Kajal made her debut in film industry with ‘Lakshmi Kalyanam’ nine years back. Director Teja was the one who introduced Kajal to the silver screen. In these nine years, Kajal grew multifold and became one of the top heroines in South India.
After these many years, Kajal once again signed a film in Teja’s direction in which Rana plays the lead role. Looks like Kajal got a bit nostalgic. She explained her excitement on Twitter and said ‘Feels like the first day of my career all over again! Look test wid Teja sir for r new project together #ninelongyears same feeling as day1. Life takes a full circle 🙂 day 1 With @RanaDaggubati’.
As we know, Teja is struggling to score a hit from the past 10 years. All his films tanked at the box-office. We have to wait and see how this film shapes up.