Power star Pawan Kalyan’s son Akira Nandan recently met with an accident. He was suffered minor injuries when he fell down while riding a bicycle. Knowing this, his mother Renu Desai immediately took him to a renowned hospital. But, she was severely upset by the hospital staff’s treatment.
She took to her Twitter account and panned the hospital management for their irresponsible behavior. She said that she took Akira to the hospital immediately but she had to wait for a long time for getting the treatment done. She explained her anguish by saying that it is better to die rather than going to these corporate hospitals. Nevertheless, she did not reveal the hospitals name and its address.
After some time, she tweeted that Akira had a hand fracture and his face, knee, elbow too were wounded. She added that he is doing well right now and thanked everyone for their wishes.This complaint is often heard about corporate hospitals. This incident prove that even celebs are no exception.