Day after day, Azhar the film is getting into deep trouble. Now, Azhar’s ex-wife, Sangeetha Bijlani is hugely upset with the way she is being showcased in the trailers. Bollywood circles reveal that Sangeeta called up Azhar and raised concerns over the way she will be portrayed.
Interesting aspect is that Sangeetha made this call to Azhar after a long gap as the ex-couple were not in much touch after their divorce.Seeing Sangeetha hugely upset, Azhar revealed to her that even he has not seen the film and promised her that he will ask the production house for a special screening.
Talks now suggest that Azhar has demanded a special screening for him and Sangeetha. But being the strong lady she is, producer Ekta Kapoor is yet to agree to this request. From the time this film has gone on floors, everyone associated with it seem to have some reservations about their characters as the film deals with serious issues of match fixing allegations on former captain.