A native of Punjab who is 66 year old retired IAS officer, is fighting the May 16 Assembly polls in Tamil Nadu on the BJP’s lotus symbol, in a rare instance of a north Indian testing electoral fortunes in the Dravidian heartland. Ujagar Singh, a Sikh and a native of Khiali, about 21 km from Barnala in Punjab.
He is a candidate of the Akila Indiya Makkal Kalvi Munnetra Kazhagam (AIMKMK), an ally of BJP, from Sozhinganallur constituency in the city outskirts and a former IAS officer of Tamil Nadu cadre of 1977 batch, he has held various positions in the state government and retired as Special Commissioner, Government Data Centre here in 2010.
Though he belongs to AIMKMK, he is contesting on the symbol of BJP in tune with the arrangement between the allies. Ujagar Singh has told that he was convinced about the welfare programs of the party like free education and moreover he was requested by AIMKMK chief Devanathan to fight the polls and he knows him, that he is a good leader.
He has also stated that Tamil people are very kind, nice and large hearted, they have no jealousy and no chauvinism like you find in some other places in our country and also his decision to stay back is in fulfillment of his promise to late Chief Minister (AIADMK founder) M.G. Ramachandran, a great humanist who wanted officials like him to stay back post retirement.