The battleground state of Tamil Nadu is witnessing a high decibel Assembly election and the ruling party is looking stronger and may even retain the power. The main opposition DMK is now led by MK Stalin. His father and the grand old man of Indian politics M Karunanidhi is 92 years old has been the chief minister of Tamil Nadu five times since 1969.
The Tamilnadu Chief Minister J Jayalalitha is the only face of the party who is reportedly ill, will be leading the party in the Assembly elections for the seventh time since her mentor MGR’s death and she has won thrice and lost thrice.
Jaya is the most popular leader in the state as on today and there are no allegations of serious corruption against her in the last two terms. She has also stopped witch-hunting of her rivals and enemies and her populist schemes under Amma brand have earned the AIADMK a good name.
The Congress, DMDK, MDMK, PMK, BJP & Left parties are the other smaller players in this election. On their own, none of them can win even double digit seats. Except the BJP most others are with the DMK led alliance. After former union minister GK. Vasan left the Congress, the party looks very weak and BJP may not be able to win more than 3-4 seats