The BJP National secretary and the AP affairs in charge Siddharth Nath Singh has made a demand that the TDP governance should release a white paper on how the funds which was sanctioned by the central governance have been spent for the development of the state.
Siddharth was in the city on Friday to participate in the party core committee meeting and he has added that misinformation has been propagated by the state governance that NDA was ignoring the development of Andhra Pradesh.
He has added that provisions were formulated to accord Rs.22,112 crores to overcome the revenue deficit in four years and RS. 7020 crores were sanctioned for 2015-2016 and infrastructure development projects worth Rs. 1.43 crores were sanctioned to AP by NDA, which were not mentioned in AP Reorganization Act.
Singh has further added that the party president Amit Shah and Union Ministers Jayanth Sinha and Suresh Prabhu will tour the state next month to expedite the railway zone matter and other issues.