Post Manam release, director Vikram Kumar had approached Mahesh Babu with 24 movie script. Nonetheless, Mahesh who wished to work with the director had rejected the proposal since doing sci-fi films is not his cup of tea. In fact, Mahesh Babu had bad experience in the past with science fiction subject. The film Nani directed by SJ Suryah was a disaster. Mahesh Babu didn’t try such subjects till date.
Then, Vikram made the movie 24 with Suriya and it is running with decent collections at box office. “My gut feeling was Suriya can only do the movie. We need to know what kind of roles we apt for. I can’t do 24. Likewise, I fit rightly for the role in Srimanthudu,” says Mahesh Babu.
Interim, Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film Brahmotsavam directed by Srikanth Addala is gearing up for release on this Friday. Mahesh will soon team up with AR Murugadoss for a high budget entertainer to be made as Telugu-Tamil bilingual. After wrapping up this movie, Mahesh will join hands with Vikram Kumar for a new film. The director has already narrated a new story line to Mahesh Babu.