Rana Daggubati recently started the regular shooting of his new project few days ago in Hyderabad. The movie is being directed by Teja who is with out a proper hit for a long time. The makers made no official announcement of the project and silently began their shooting.
Sources say that the movie is an intense political drama laced with action. Kajal Aggarwal is the female lead in this project. This is her first film opposite Rana. Both of them play wife and husband in the movie.
It was Teja who introduced Kajal to films with his Lakshmi Kalyanam, nine years ago. This is her second project with her. A look test is being conducted on her today. Padala Satyanarayana will be producing the film under Vyshnavi Entertainments Banner.
Earlier Teja was to direct Victory Venkatesh in a film titled Savitri but for some reason, the project did not go on floors. Now he gets a chance to direct Venky’s nephew. Rana also did not have a significant success as a solo hero. So this project is important for Rana and as well as Teja also!