For the third consecutive term, Superstar Pawan Kalyan, tops the worldwide trending on micro blogger Twitter. The only Tollywood celeb to trend regularly and without break on micro-blogging site Twitter, has managed to trend again on his 42nd birthday – September 2 (Monday). The social networking site was flooded with #HappyBirthdayPawankalyan # tweets from diehard fans of the actor so much so that he stood on top of worldwide trends for more than one-and-half hour on Monday morning.
Even celebs like Samantha, Lakshmi Manchu, Praneetha and Harish Shankar took to the medium to pour their birthday wishes towards the matinee idol. His growing popularity, kind gestures and down-to-earth personality makes him one of the most appealing icons of Telugu cinema. Pawan is awaiting the release of his forthcoming film Attarintiki Daredi, directed by Trivikram in September second or third week which has been delayed due to ongoing political unrest in the state .