Akhil is pulled into news from quite sometime with rumors on his second film. The other day, Akhil himself cleared the air on rumors about his second film and said that neither Vamsi walked out not he did. Going ahead, he gave few hints on what he is doing at this moment.
Akhil is not sure whether it is the second film with Vamsi Paidipally, but they are going to work together sooner or later. And when asked if he is listening to any other scripts, Akhil did not want to give names, but admitted working out on two scripts with two young directors. This time it is not going to be an action packed earth saving kind, but a youthful story that should have a love track and a good screenplay.
Well, film buffs are throwing some wild guesses about the two directors working with Akhil and are writing names of Hanu Raghavapudi, Kishore Tirumala, Sujeeth on ‘may be’ list and definitely not Quentin Tarantino or Martin Scorsese. Guesses and gossips apart, Akhil himself wants to clear the fog to give a detail about his second movie in a month. So, just wait for it then!