Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Brahmotsavam released today. The actor will aggressively promote the film and will go on a brief holiday with family. We are said that once he is back, he will immediately begin the shooting of his next with Tamil Star director, AR Murugadoss in the first week of June.
The movie is reportedly going to be costliest film in the actor’s career. According to the buzz, the film will be made at a budget of whopping 100 Crore. A major chunk of it will go for the remunerations of Mahesh, Murugadoss and other top class technicians roped in for this project which happens to be the first bilingual in his career.
Harris Jairaj will be composing tunes for the film. The untitled film will also be the first bilingual film in Mahesh Babu’s career. It will be simultaneously made and released in Telugu and Tamil. India’s top cinematographer Santosh Sivan will be cranking camera for the movie. A Bollywood heroine will romance Mahesh Babu in the film.