Samantha spammed every timeline of her fans during the release of her Tamil films Theri and 24. She quote-retweeted, retweeted hundreds of posts for many days that her fans were left annoyed at her over enthusiasm.People had to either temporarily unfollow or put her on mute until she is normal. Mahesh fans expected Samantha to be that active during the release of Brahmotsavam, but Samantha is uncharacteristically silent despite her big release.
Samantha didn’t make so much hungama about Brahmotsavam prior to the release also. She didn’t even post that mandatory ‘butterflies-in-the-stomach’ tweet expressing her excitement and tension over the big release.Did she predict the film’s result even before it was released or is she not excited about her character in the film?
Surprisingly most of Mahesh’s diehard fans too admitted that the film is a debacle without any debate.Brahmotsavam is turning out to be a bigger disappointment than Mahesh’s utterly unbearable Aagadu. No one expected such a lame film from the director like Srikanth Addala.