Only recently, AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu said that he has been missing his family due to his long stays in Amaravati, while his family resides in Hyderabad. Now, according to the latest reports, Babu’s family in Hyderabad is having issues in terms of accommodation.It is well known that Chandrababu and his family shifted their residence from their Jubilee Hills bungalow to the Madinaguda farmhouse on the Hyderabad outskirts as the Jubilee Hills official residence has been undergoing renovation works for the last 2 years.
However, Babu and his family has been having severe issues shuttling between Madinaguda to the city everyday for their official purpose as it is costing them at least 3 hours of their valuable time.
Due to this, Babu’s family has reportedly shifted their base to Park Hyatt star hotel in the heart of the city.Apparently, the renovation works will be completed within 2 months and Babu’s family will once again move back their own groove soon.