Prior to the release of ‘Brahmotsavam’ Samantha posted a tweet on ‘Bala Tripuramani’ song that reads, ” Obsessed with Bala Tripuramani #Brahmotsavam. You know why more after you see the video. Superstar at his best ever.”
Perhaps Samantha liked the cute dancing steps of Mahesh in the song. But then, the song and Mahesh’s steps received flak from the critics and audiences. The song has become a laughing stock for anti fans. Sensing that Mahesh’s fans would understand she had intentionally posted the tweet, Samantha has deleted the tweet soon after the release of the movie.
‘Brahmotsavam’ collected Rs.26.51 crores at the end of its first weekend’s run. The movie was directed by Srikanth Addala on PVP Cinema. Meanwhile, Mahesh along with his family will be leaving for abroad tonight. Mahesh and AR Murugadoss’ new movie’s script work is underway.