Off late, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu is facing tough times with consecutive flops. Although her films are bombing at box office, she still is the prime choice for several stars and filmmakers. It may be mentioned here that, she is part of Pawan Kalyan, Suriya and Vijay’s career best hits.Samantha pins high hopes on A Aa (Anasuya Ramalingam Vs Anand Vihari) starring Nithin and is directed by Trivikram Srinivas. The starlet is promoting the movie vigorously along with other co-stars. She is travelling Bangalore tomorrow to endorse A Aa.
Samantha is a strong lady who gives fitting answers to critics. The actress gave strong reply when a hater predicted A Aa to be another flop for her. Here is their conversation:Samantha Hater: “I am expecting another big flop from @Samanthaprabhu2 through #AAAMovie.”Samantha: “and I am expecting that you turn out to be a fool June 2nd .. If you already aren’t one.”
Social media has become platform for haters to attack actors. Some feel that, anti-fans negative promotions are showing its effect on film fates in recent times.Meanwhile, A Aa promos are striking and are hiking expectations. The film said to be a romantic entertainer with loads of pursuit is all set for grand release on June 2nd.