Superstar Rajinikanth flew to USA for a brief holiday along with his family. The actor for more than an year is busy in the shootings of his Kabali and 2.0. He finally decided that he needs to take a break to rejuvenate. He will be resuming the shoot of his 2.0 in the second week of June. The US Holiday is about two weeks. On the other side, Kabali is being planned for July 1st release.
The movie has generated tremendous hype after that super successful first look teaser. The teaser bashed all the records left right and center. Rajinikanth will be seen playing an ageing gangster. The film’s story is rumoured to be based on the real-life story of a Chennai-based don. Rumours are rife that Abhishek Pictures bagged the Andhra and Nizam rights of the film in Telugu paying a whopping 31 Crore.
This is a sensational price offered for any dubbing film in Telugu which only indicates the hype and expectations on the film in the trade and audience. Ranjith Pa is wielding megaphone for the movie in which Radhika Apte is the female lead. In Shankar’s 2.0, a sequel to blockbuster Robot, Rajinikanth will return as the popular scientist, Vaseekar, and will lock horns with Bollywood Superstar, Akshay Kumar who is playing the baddie of the film which marks his South debut. Rajinikanth do not have proper success after his 2010 film, Robot and so he is keen to bagging success with both these films.