Telagnana ministers today made a bee line to CM Kiran Kumar Reddy chambers at and protested against the Government permission for the Save AP and at the same time denial of permission to hold the Santhi rally by the Telangana JAC. Five ministers including K Jana Reddy questioned the CM on how the permission was given without consulting the cabinet members or Telangana ministers as was done in case of Telagnana March or Million March by T agitators in past.
Not only that a team of Telangana ministers led by Deputy CM Damodaram Rajnarasimha have rushed to Delhi and complained to Antony committee,Digvijay Singh and also others about Kiran Kumar Reddy’s ‘one sided acts and that such conduct was spreading poison and lack of confidence on the congress Government, they said.The ministers also cautioned the CM and congress high command that they will not share any responsibility for the consequences of holding a seemandhra meeting in Hyderabad.