OnePlus is all set to launch its fourth smartphone on June 14 and the device has already been subjected to numerous leaks and rumours. As the launch date approaches closer, the company’s co-founder Carl Pei has indicated that the OnePlus 3 will be sold invite-free, right from the day of launch.This will be the first time that the company will be launching a device without the need of an invite. Moreover, Pei also said in the blog that there the company is doing away with its invite policy forever and future handsets will also be available with out any conditions.”We’re releasing the OnePlus 3 invite-free, right from launch day. In addition, invites are gone forever from future OnePlus product launches,” Pei said.
Pointing out that the company had to stick to an invite-first policy when it started off, Pei said, “The invite system has a special place in our history. When we first started out, our team was incredibly small. We had no idea what the demand of the OnePlus One would look like. We also weren’t fans of flash sales, where there’s a risk of everything selling out immediately, forcing fans to wait indefinitely. To address this, we designed the invite system to give customers a chance to purchase a phone as soon as we had inventory ready.”He further added that the invite system allowed the team to scale thier operations and manage risks to help the company mature. However, Pei noted that the company will no longer follow an invite-first police for all future devices starting from the OnePlus 3.
Lastly, he invited individuals from all round the globe for the official launch of the OnePlus 3 on the Loop VR. “We’re excited to invite you to the Loop for the official launch of the OnePlus 3 on June 14. Make sure you don’t miss out on the grand unveiling,” he added. The live stream of the launch event in India will start 10.00 pm sharp on June 14.