Nero fiddled when Rome burned, so is Mathura MP Hema Malini posting pictures on Twitter when her constituency is burning down with riots. The veteran actress MP is facing severe heat on social media for her irresponsible behavior when her Mathura constituency was in chaos.
There were riots in Mathura raised in protest against recovery of encroached lands and more than 24 died. Mathura city SP Mukul Dwivedi too lost his life in these violent protests. But the MP Hema Malini was quite busy posting her shooting pictures on Twitter account at the same time. When her ineffectual and most irresponsible acts are exposed by a national daily, she took down those pictures from Twitter handle and started posting condolences for the dead instead.
Hema claims to have reached Mathura immediately after hearing the news and asks people to clam down instead of getting carried away by unwanted propaganda. Hema is being trolled and attacked in tweets about her ‘Nero’ feat.
This is not the first time for Hema to get rapped on social media. She had seen the uproar, when she blamed a father for his child’s death in an accident, when her speeding Mercedes hit a Maruthi Alto in Rajasthan. In another major allegation, Hema faced the heat for land deal, where the MP was allotted Rs 70 Cr worth land for just Rs. 70,000!