It is a known fact that after completing Dhruva, Ram Charan will be working with intelligent film maker Sukumar. After hits like Kumari 21F and Nannaku Prematho, Sukumar is going to join hands with Charan for the first time. There is an interesting rumour that is doing rounds in the film circles.
According to the sources, Ram Charan will be seen as a doctor in Sukku’s scientific-thriller. This will be the first time Charan will be doing a full length doctor role. Earlier, Chiranjeevi did the role of a fake doctor in his super hit ‘Shankar Dada MBBS’. So, fans are getting excited to see Cherry as doctor. Sources say that Sukumar designed this role in a very interesting way.
This film will be produced by Mythri Movie Makers and music will be given by Sukumar’s close pal Devi Sri Prasad.