Mega powerstar Ram Charan is all set to start his Bollywood journey with his new film ‘Zanjeer’ which is arriving in theaters in just a few hours. While the outcome of the film is awaited another news has come from Mumbai and many are discussing about it because it is coming from the camp of Salman Khan.
According to reports, it is heard that Salman who has very close links with the mega family has reportedly called Charan to his residence and has offered him a role in his next production. The details of the film and what Charan is expected to do in it is unknown but if Salman has offered then it must be heavy.
Some are cutting it off as mere rumour and say it was just a friendly visit of Charan and nothing related to work. But if it really has some truth and if Salman and Charan really team up then it is going to be a film which will set a new trend in Indian cinema. We have to wait for few days to know the truth then.