Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s next, Dhruva, the official remake of Tamil blockbuster, Thani Oruvan, recently completed a schedule in Hyderabad. The next schedule of the film will begin on 20th of this month in Kashmir. The schedule will go on for 12 days there in which the team will be canning a duet on the lead pair. Non Stop schedules are being planned for the film and the makers are planning to release the film on September 30th as Dussehra Special to make use of the holiday season.
The actor will be seen as a tough cop in the film and is training with Fittness experts with horse riding, strenuous weight training and cycling. Race Gurram fame Surrender Reddy is wielding megaphone for this film which will have Rakul Preet Singh romancing Ram Charan. This is their second combination film after Bruce Lee – The Fighter.
Tamil Music directors duo – Hiphop Tamizha will making their Telugu debut with this film. Arvind Swamy who impressed every one as antagonist in the film, is reprising his role from the original. Allu Aravind and NV Prasad are jointly producing the movie. PC Vinod is cranking the camera.