Following the super success of Muddapappu Avakai, the first ever Telugu web series featuring mega-heroine Neeharika, yet another T-town personality is trying his luck by attempting something similar.
Anand Ranga, director of the critically-acclaimed Siddharth-starrer Oy has uploaded the first episode of his 6-part series titled what if Superman lived in Hyderabad.
Speaking about the project, Anand says, “It’s basically a fun film centred on Superman being a Telugu guy living in Hyderabad and the kinds of nativity issues he faces. The first season will be of six episodes and we will develop it further.”
Ironically, the inspiration for the humour-series stemmed from a bitter experience Anand had at the hands of a Mumbai-based web channel.
“A con man named Bhara approached me from a web channel based in Mumbai, ‘con’ machine. Later I came to know that he was the most unfit guy available as he was kicked out of Radio Mirchi & Sun TV. I felt it was a new experience and worked on many scripts for them. They took all that and did not pay me anything. Then I felt I should not depend on them and do something on my own and so scripted, produced and directed this web series ‘What if Superman lived in Hyderabad?’ I uploaded it on my web channel Thokkalo Thoughts which is part of my production house Random Thoughts.”
But isn’t working on a web series, a sort of a climb down for a T-town director? Anand doesn’t think so!
“My ultimate passion is to direct films. Irrespective of the format, I see this as no less than a feature film. It is always fun to direct films irrespective of the duration. It gives me a high. I will direct a few pilot episodes and my team will take over from there. It is exciting because there is no restriction on content; there are no distribution or exhibition hassles involved and the ‘connect ‘is directly with the audience. Ultimately, it can turn out to be a pretty good self-sustaining model for all kinds of filmmakers,” said Anand.
Well, here’s wishing him all the best on behalf of GA and its readerss!