Superstar Mahesh Babu whose last outing Brahmotsavam was a debacle is in family vacation. The actor is expected to come back to city in next week. He is not wasting much time and will start working for his next film to be directed by AR Murugadoss from 28th of this month.It is learnt that, Mahesh Babu is going for complete makeover for this movie. He will be seen with slightly grown beard and moustaches in the movie, as per the buzz. Mahesh generally won’t show much interest in beard look. But, he has accepted for the makeover, as per the character’s demand.
Since the yet to be titled movie is said to be a serious action drama, Murugadoss wants his protagonist to grow some beard. Mahesh Babu is a director’s hero and this was disclosed by many filmmakers. Hence, for his next film too, Mahesh is doing what his director is asking for, keeping his personal interests aside.
Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra is confirmed to play lead actress opposite Mahesh Babu in the high budget Telugu-Tamil bilingual. Makers have plans to release the movie during summer, next year, as it will take time for them to wrap up production and post production works.