Senior director VN Aditya is currently in the bad phase of his career after churning out back to back flops. Recently a journalist of a popular newspaper wrote an article that the director had deserted his family and is living all alone. The report also indirectly linked him to a Top Playback singer. The director is currently in USA and is very much hurt with the news report and lambasted the reporter on his Facebook page.
“sureshkavirayani? if you know something.. you have every right to write.. i respected you as friend of my journalist brother satish kumar…. you got every damn access with me when ever you needed my help.. this is your bloody true colur.. stop sabotaging others life idiot.. you are no more a jounalist from today.. come let’s have a skype call interview and fight in public.. my family is full of senior jounalists.. what the f…hell you know about me and my family.. dont ever dare to rub me on my wrong side.. i need not prove anybody who never helpled me at any point of my life.. mind your pen.. or get ready to face mediatic consequences to your idiotic writeups.. coverlo dabbulu theesukuni cinema ni promote chese neekem thelusthundi creator viluva.. vadi jeevitham gurinchi (sic)” VN Aditya Posted
The last comment from the director about some journalists accepting money for movie promotions reveals the dark side of Telugu Film Industry. But the director should have taken care not to sound like every one in industry are such. VN Aditya is waiting for that one chance to prove himself and back in limelight.