Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film began shooting today in Hyderabad. The film which marks the comeback of the Megastar to films, is being shot at the heritage Yousuf Tekri Bungalow at Tolichowki, Hyderabad. The building is more than 120 years old, belonging to Nawab Yousufuddin Khan,a Subedar of Gulbarga,during the reign of the sixth Nizam Mir Mehbub Ali Khan.
Already many films were shot here. The makers are yet to finalize the actress who will be romancing the Megastar. Ram Charan and his mother Surekha will be producing the film under their new banner, Konidela Production Company. VV Vinayak is wielding megaphone for this project which happens to be the official remake of Tamil blockbuster, Kaththi.
Vinayak previously directed Chiranjeevi in a blockbuster Tagore which is also a remake. Devi Sri Prasad will be composing music for this film. This is his second film with Chiranjeevi after Shankar Dada MBBS. The project also boasts of Top technicians like Art director Thota Tharani and Cinematographer Rathnavelu.