Oka Manasu is a love story set between an aspiring politician, Surya (Naga Shourya) and a doctor Sandhya (Niharika) who resides in Viziangaram. Surya’s father (Rao Ramesh) is a small time politician who wants to make his son an MLA. Adhering to him, Surya does settlements and instills fear in people like the usual politicians. Sandhya hates Surya’s business and making her fears true, one day, he lands himself in jail. Later he gets out of the jail to face the situation where he has to choose between his father or Sandhya. What happens next in their lives forms the remaining story.
Naga Shourya performed well in a two faced role as an obedient son and adorable lover. Oka Manasu is a tough ask for Niharika since it is her debut film. She performed okay if not great. Rao Ramesh is superb as usual. Srinivas Avasarala has got his usual kind of role but with no comedy. Pragathi as heroine’s mother is too loud and irritating. Vennela Kishore is just used for one comedy scene.
Technical Performances:
Oka Manasu is a clean and matured love story not from the routine love stories we come across. Director Ramaraju deserves good credit for that. However the snail paced narration of the story killed its prospect. For the most part of the film, we see the lead pair conversing with each other but the conversations between them are ineffective and boring. We only connect to their track towards the pre-climax, but by then every thing is over. The good part of the film is the track between the father and son. The first half of the film is totally disappointing with slow paced and uninteresting proceedings. The Second half of the film gets a little better and the climax is good and heart-touching.
Cameraman Ram Reddy should be commended for the wonderful visuals of Vizag and Araku. Every frame is made beautiful. Sunil Kashyap’s music is very effective with songs as well as back ground score working out big time. Some of the songs are really effective with arresting visuals, good music and fine lyrics by Rama Jogayya Sastry. Dharmendra Kakarla disappointed with the scissors in the first half. Production Values are appropriate.
Plus Points:
1. Story-line
2. Father-son track
3. Visuals
4. Climax
5. Music
Minus Points:
1. Slow Pace
2. Bad First Half
3. Poor dialogues
Final Say:
Oka Manasu is likely to end up as a disappointment for the team at the box office. The movie may at best get some critical acclaim. The slow paced narration killed the movie prospects, if not for the slightly engaging second half, things would have gone every worse.