A recent blog put up by Facebook-owned WhatsApp pointed out that more than 100 million voice calls are made using the app per day.WhatsApp had introduced the VoIP calling services on January 2015; a year after it was acquired by Facebook. Since then the feature has been rolled out in a phased manner globally.
“For more than a year, people have used WhatsApp Calling to talk with friends and family around the world. It’s a great way to stay in touch, especially when connecting with people in other countries, or when messages alone won’t do.”The blog posted by WhatApp yesterday pointed out that more than 100 million voice calls are made everyday on WhatsApp, which is over 1,100 calls a second. In fact, the VoIP feature is really popular with in India, and is utilised daily by a massive number of people.
With over 1 billion users on board, WhatsApp is the biggest instant messaging and VoIP calling service available.According to a report on The Next Web, in just a year of availability on iOS and Android, the messaging service has surpassed daily number of voice calls on Skype, with only 300 million users in the last 12 years.If you are new to WhatsApp, you can check out this list for every detail you need to know about the app.