The theatrical trailer of comedian turned hero Sunil’s latest film Jakkanna has been launched by Megastar Chiranjeevi during the film’s audio launch function last night. Jakkanna is directed by Vamsi Krishna Akella and produced by R Sudharshan Reddy, who earlier produced Maruthi’s Prema Katha Chitram.
Going by the trailer, looks like the makers of Jakkanna have ‘sculpted’ an out and out mass comedy treat for Sunil’s fans. While the stylishly shot 2-minute trailer does not reveal much about Sunil’s character, it shows Sunil in his top form and he scores well with his comic antics.
The film’s voluptuous heroine Mannara Chopra seems to have offered a luscious glamour treat, which will be enjoyed by the masses. Furthermore, villain Kabir, comedians Saptagiri and Prudhvi too create a solid impact and together, the trailer promises to be a hilarious mass comedy treat.When the film’s teaser was released, it was panned by critics and mass movie lovers as it offered nothing new. Looks like the makers kept the negative feedback in mind and cut the trailer in a more interesting way and succeeded in their mission.