If trade buzz is anything to go by, producer Radha Krishna has lost nearly 3 Crores on his ‘successful’ venture A..Aa that made its buyers rich. The Trivikram’s directorial made with a budget of Rs 42 Crores has done per-release business of Rs 30 Crore. Including Satellite, the film fetched only Rs 36 Crore and producer Chinna Babu had to release the film with a deficit of Rs 6 Crore.
Surpassing the expectations, the film has been received well by audiences in India and abroad proving Trivikram’s stamina. Given the strong nexus between distribution and exhibition system, it’s not possible for producers to get their due though the film is hit and running with the packed theatres. Even if it reaches to producer, it’d be only a tip of an iceberg.
However, Chinna Babu is lucky enough as he managed to recover Rs 3 Crores in form of overflows from US and some parts of AP, Telangana. Still, producer has lost Rs 3 Crores on this superhit film. This might sound irony but that’s the stark reality in the industry.