Natural Star Nani bagged second hit on a trot with Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and Gentleman. The actor finished Gentleman promotions and resumed the shooting of his next film in the direction of Uyyala Jampala fame Virinchi Varma. The shooting of the film began even before the release of Gentleman.
The makers are considering ‘Majnu’ as the title of the film. According to rumour mills, Nani will be seen as assistant director in the film. There is also a buzz that Rajamouli will be seen in the cameo role as the director. Interestingly, Nani is an assistant director before unexpectedly becoming a hero.
Malayali Actress, Anu Emanuel and a new girl from Mumbai, Riya Ludhani are chosen as the heroines. The movie is being planned for year end release. The movie is said to be a complete romantic entertainer. Malayalam director Gopi Sundar is scoring music for the film. More details of this project later!