Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus, in association with Servify, launched mobile app OnePlus Care to offer dedicated after-sale service in India on Tuesday.”Customer experience is a key focus area and we are proud to offer the OnePlus Care app. We are bringing differentiated superior support structure to our users to elevate their after-sales smartphone experience,” Vikas Agarwal, General Manager at OnePlus India, said in statement.
With OnePlus Care app, the company is also offering a complementary 12-months accidental damage protection package. Users need to fill some form in the application with bill details and once done, they can claim for pick-up/drop service option (available in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, New Delhi and Mumbai). The application provides real-time update on service status of the device and also gives alerts of impending warranty expire date.
Another interesting feature about the OnePlus Care app is that it offers easy guides on how to troubleshoot issues in the phone. With this option, users will be able to ascertain whether the device really has some issues before calling the customer care. [Interested readers can download the OnePlus Care app, HERE]Earlier this month, OnePlus unveiled the new OnePlus 3 flagship phone. It sports Optic AMOLED-based 5.5-inch full HD display with Gorilla Glass 4 shield. It also features physical home button, which also doubles up as fingerprint sensor.
Under the hood, it houses Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 quad-core processor backed by sumptuous 6GB LPDDR4 series RAM, 64GB inbuilt storage and a 3000mAh battery. OnePlus 3 also boasts state-of-the-art quick charge technology dubbed as Dash Charge, which can charge up the phone from zero to 60 percent within 30 minutes, which is enough to play more than seven hours of full HD video.
The handset also has a feature-rich 16MP snapper with Sony IMX 298 sensor, f/2.0 aperture, 1.12 µm lens, OIS (Optical Image Stabilisation), EIS, PDAF (Phase Detection Auto Focus), 4K video recording ability. On the front, it houses equally impressive 8MP camera with Sony IMX179 sensor, 1.4 µm lens and f/2.0 aperture.Read more: OnePlus 3 first impressions: By far the best device by OnePlusOnePlus 3 is now available on Amazon India for Rs. 27,999 [HERE] in Graphite colour option.