Superstar Rajinikanth promised to donate Rs 1 crore for the project of interlinking of rivers. Rajinikanth’s elder brother Satyanarayana Rao met the media yesterday at Thanjavur. He said that Superstar is doing fine in USA and he will be back before the theatrical release of Kabali. He informed that, Rajini went there for medical tests.
When asked about the recent protest announcement from farmers urging Rajinikanth to settle the promised 1 Cr rupees for the interlinking of rivers, Satyanarayana said that his brother has already deposited the amount and when the project gets initiated, the fund will automatically reach the government.
Recently, an organization named ‘Desiya Thenmaanila Nadhigal Inaippu Vivasaayigal Sangam’ announced to protest in front of Rajinikanth’s house as the actor failed to keep his word and didn’t settle the promised money for the interlinking of rivers, which was announced by him during the Cauvery water dispute issue in 2002.Reports suggest that, Kabali will be postponed by a week. The film directed by Pa Ranjith is in last stages of post production. Radhika Apte played leading actress in the gangster film. Let’s hope, the movie reaches all the sky high expectations!