Huge Pressure on Rajini?


Rajinikanth’s Kabali was sold for staggering prices and this is apparently piling pressure on the superstar. The Telugu theatrical rights of Kabali were sold for Rs 33 Crore and this in turn is taking a toll on the star.”Rajini sir had insisted to sell the film for less price as his previous films didn’t meet the expectations. Yet it fell on the deaf ears of producers who sold of the film for exorbitant prices. With big monies at stake, pressure is mounting on Rajini,” said a source in the know.

Given that Rajini’s previous films Lingaa, Vikrama Simha were damp squibs and tanked without a trace, Rajini is now under immense pressure to deliver a success and back with a bang.Amidst reports that the film would be delayed further, buyers who has bet big on the film are worried as the interests would go up and hence waiting for the film’s release with bated breath. It’s heard that the producers of Telugu version too are looking to sell off the film for higher prices but not finding distributors who’re willing to risk such huge monies.

Also another talk is that Rajini’s ill-health could be reason behind film’s delay rumours. With this so much confusion among Rajini’s fans and buyers of Kabali.