It’s been a while Venkatesh had a theatrical release in recent times. His last film was Gopala Gopala that also featured Pawan Kalyan in special role. Now all eyes are on his next Babu Bangaram directed by Maruthi.However, one has to wait for some more time to get clarity on Babu Bangaram release as the buzz is that Venky’s Babu Bangaram is waiting for Rajinikanth’s Kabali’s release date.
Depending on Kabali’s release, the makers of Babu Bangaram would schedule their film’s release. Given’s Rajini’s charisma and humongous response to the film’s teaser, the makers of Babu Bangaram are avoiding the clash with biggie.As per inside buzz, the post-production works have been wrapped up and only waiting for the D-day of Kabali. Amidst reports that Kabali may even move to August, team Babu Bangaram is contemplating to release the film on July 29.
Venky is yet again seen as ACP and his lucky mascot Nayantara is pairing up with him for third time. His stint as cop in Gautham Menon’s Gharshana was well-received. Though Venky and Maruthi was supposed to team up earlier for Radha, the film was shelved after reports surfaced that the film’s story was stolen from a budding writer.