Controversial director Ram Gopal Varma tried singing for his Raktha Charitra. He rendered that ‘Kathulatho Savasam’ for the film which evoked mixed response back then. Now, he is doing that again for his Vangaveeti movie. The movie which is the last film for the director in Telugu, is being shot silently.
New comer, Naina Ganguly is playing the character Vangaveeti Ratna Kumari which is the only female role in the film. RGV is reportedly getting erected the replicating popular Kaleswara Rao market of Vijayawada as a set in Mumbai. Vangaveeti is about the rivalry between Devineni and Vangaveeti families decades ago which panned out in to a war between two castes and took lives on both the sides.
The movie is likely to create caste rifts even today and so every one are anxious about what Ramu is going to show in the film. RGV is adopting the Hollywood approach for the film wherein multiple units will be functioning with line producers on the spot. The shooting will take place simultaneously in Hyderabad and Mumbai simultaneously. RGV will be monitoring entire thing from Mumbai. The shooting will begin some time in next month.