Tamil director-producer Cheran has leveled some serious allegations against actor Sharwanand who is usually soft and maintains distance from controversies. Cheran alleged that Sharwa hasn’t cooperated for the publicity of his film Rajadhi Raja that released last week after a lot of hurdles.
“I was hurt after learning that hero Sharwanand and producer Sravanthi Ravikishore were resorting to bad propaganda on the film. I had roped in for the film when he didn’t have hits. I agreed to pay him Rs 1 Crore as his remuneration and paid Rs 55 Lakh for him. Still I need to pay him another Rs 45 Lakh. He hasn’t come for the promotion of Rajadhi Raja. He didn’t even turn up for the film’s audio launch. Is this the respect he’s giving for the producer who had trusted him and invested crores on him? I’m still maintaining that Sharwanand is good actor. But such acts of him demean his value, stature. Initially, Sravanthi Ravikishore was producer for the film. He used to interfere in my job. He had asked me that he’d cut the film’s trailer and I didn’t agree as it was my job. He had dropped from the film’s production. With this, the film was stalled for a year. After facing many hurdles, I myself managed to finish the film. Telugu producer Venkatesh has come forward to see the film and bought the film only after impressed with it. Sharwa didn’t respond even after my repeated attempts to invite him for film promotion. I had sent him 25 smses and he hasn’t replied to even one of them. I’ve never told him that I won’t pay the remaining fee. But he had stated that he has no connection with the film. I felt bad as a good film wasn’t promoted well and there was no cooperation when a new director was debuting into Telugu. Producer Venkatesh had great difficulty in releasing the film. When we approached heroine to promote the film, she had said she’d come for promotion only if hero comes. Was she cast by producer or Hero?”
“When my daughter was in a problem, Sharwa had helped her out. I treated him as my younger brother. But today, he’s a changed man. I don’t want to complain against Sharwa or heroine or Ravikishore in the matter. Rajadhi Raja is a good film. Few heroes, directors from Telugu have called me and appreciated the film. Without publicity, we did good job. Had hero, heroine cooperated, we’d have tasted bigger success,” Cheran briefed media persons in Chennai at a press conference.With Cheran coming out in open and leveling allegations, Sharwa is now in a spot. It’s time for Sharwa to react on Cheran’s fresh allegations.