The Chandrababu Naidu government in Andhra Pradesh has restored the telecast of Sakshi channel in the state following the withdrawal of fast by Kapu strongman Mudragada Padmanabham a couple of weeks ago. But it continues to witch-hunt the Sakshi daily promoted by YSR Congress party president Y S Jaganmohan Reddy.
On Tuesday, the Rajahmundry police registered a case under Section 153 of IPC against Sakshi for distorting the medical bulletin issued by the local government hospital on the health condition of Mudragada when he was continuing the fast in the hospital.
It is alleged that the daily had created an alarming picture of Mudragada’s health condition by exaggerating the points in the health bulletin released by the hospital.“This has created apprehension among the people about his health and unnecessary tension among the agitating community,” the complaint said.The police are likely to serve notices on Sakshi management, besides chief editor and resident editor in a day or two.