It was none other than Telangana CM KCR gave a clarion call to all Telangana people to join ‘Haritha Haram’ programme actively and plant each one a sapling to ‘bring back rains and send back monkeys’ to the forests.The dwindling forest cover was the result of the simians entering our residences. Once the forest cover is increased, monkeys will go back to their original habitations in the forests.
The increase of green cover in Telangana state will also help more rains in the state in future, KCR said.Every villages is facing monkey menace as the apes strayed into human habitations after the forest area diminished, he felt. The Chief Minister launched Haritha haram in Nalgonda district aiming to plan 46 crore saplings in the two week long drive involving students, employees and all sections of people.
KCR predicted good rains this year which will help to grow the plants speedily. He wanted to increase forest cover to 33 per cent from the present 25 per cent in two years.