Koratala Siva who is working on his third film, Janatha Garage, had teamed up with Devi Sri Prasad for all his three films. Previous two film audios have gone on to become a big hit and now there are similar vibes about Janatha Garage audio as well. We are said that the alliance will continue.
Senior Producer DVV Danayya will be producing his fourth project. Devi Sri Prasad will also compose music for that film as well. We are said that the music sittings of the film will begin in November. Even though there is no official announcement, we are told that Mahesh Babu will be the lead role in the film.
Previously Koratala directed Mahesh Babu in Srimanthudu and the film then went on to become a non-Baahubali industry hit. So fans are very much excited about the film. The official announcement of the film will come out after the release of Janatha Garage. More details of the project very soon.