Young Hero Nikhil who is going great guns in his career, recently stumbled at the box office with his Shankara Bharanam. The actor is currently doing a film Yekkadiki Potavu Chinnavada which is nearing its completion. In one of his recent interviews, Nikhil clarified about the rumours of his affair with Swathi.
“We only share a professional relationship. Nothing more than that. Since we did back to back films, rumours started cropping up. But it is more a choice of our directors. I did not even talk to her on phone any time. I am really surprise how these rumours come up,” Nikhil said in one of his recent interviews.
Talking about his marriage plans. “I promised my parents I will get married once I give back-to-back hits. They have already started searching for a girl,” said the thirty year old actor. About the qualities he is looking in his dream girl, the actor said, “I just hope I get a girl who understands me. I am sure my parents will find a better girl than me.”