Senior director Kondanda Rami Reddy the other day apologized to his scathing comments on Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film. The comments he made at a Public event about Chiranjeevi’s Prestigious 150th film created a huge uproar in media. Back then, he said people would laugh if Chiranjeevi goes on saying he would do something for farmers in the film.
Kodanda Rami Reddy previously directed 23 films with Chiranjeevi faced the wrath of Mega fans. Gossip in the film circles is that as the director got some severe threatening calls from mega fans over the last few days. When things are threatening to go out of hands, this made the veteran director to come out and issue an public apology to pacify Mega fans.
“It was not intentional. All I wanted to say that a comedy and romantic entertainer will work for him rather than a message oriented film. But the comment was blown out of proportion by the media which made me feel bad. I have very good relation with Mega family and I personally apologize Chiranjeevi garu, VV Vinayak and Ramcharan for my words. All the best for the whole team,” Kodanda Rami Reddy said.