Young Tiger NTR brought Malayalam Hero, Unni Mukundan to Tollywood to play a crucial role in his Janatha Garage. Now even before the release of Janatha Garage, he is picked up as the lead hero in Anushka’s Bhagmathi. The actor will join the team very soon. Unni Mukundan impressed every one by dubbing himself for Janatha Garage.
We are said that the shooting will go non-stop till completion. As per the plan now, the movie is being planned for Sankranthi-2017 release. On the other side, the makers have made no official announcement about the project and that maintained the suspense about the film and its details.
Going by the title every one thought, it will be period film but then Anushka the other day revealed that the movie is a modern techno-thriller and will be high on twists and turns. Pilla Jamindar fame Ashok is wielding megaphone for this film starring Anushka. UV Creations, which happens to be one of the most popular and successful production houses in Tollywood in the recent times, is producing the film.