Superstar Mohanlal and Yesteryear beauty Gautami’s Manamantha had its theatrical trailer release a little while ago. Nandamuri Taraka Ratna is seen the trailer, riding a bike carrying the girl who is playing the central role in the film. The Nandamuri hero seem to be trying to make a career in second innings.
Recently we have seen him playing a villain in Nara Rohit’s Raja Cheyyi Vesthe. But it did not earn him due credit as it went on to become a big disaster. Director of the film, Chandrasekhar Yeleti described it is an anthology film- “family entertainer which involves four stories”. Viswant Duddumpudi and Anisha Ambrose will be seen in crucial roles.
Mahesh Shankar composed audio album of the film which will be launched soon. The movie is all set for a grand release on August 5th. Malayalam (Vismayam) and Tamil (Namadhu) versions will also release on the same day. The makers will intensify their promotions with the audio release event.