Veteran Versatile actor Sathyaraj is a busy actor now in both Telugu and Tamil languages. Sathyaraj has got a huge name and recognition for his role in the film Baahubali. Also, at the same time the actor is going to be seen in a couple of other interesting projects. Sathyaraj has started shooting for his next film which will be a kidnap thriller directed by debutant Karthik. He is also busy with Ram’s next film which is being directed by Santhosh Srinivas.
In a recent interview, the veteran actor mentioned that he decided to produce as well be a part of the film that Karthik is going to do. Apparently, Satyaraj was very much impressed with the script. The story revolves around an FM channel and Sathyaraj plays the head of the station. As of now, nothing was confirmed about the film, and more details about it are expected to be out soon!