Aksha who sizzled in few Telugu films was last seen in Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Dictator. The actress who barely has any offers left in Tollywood got an unexpected lifeline from Sharwanand as she is offered a crucial role in his landmark 25th film. The movie shooting is already going on at brisk pace.
BVSN Prasad will be producing the film on his Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra Banner. Interestingly, BVSN Prasad’s last film, Nannaku Prematho is Young Tiger NTR’s Landmark 25th film. The movie directed by Sukumar and produced by BVSN Prasad went on to become the biggest hit in NTR’s career and also his first 50 Crore film.
And now the Senior producer is also going to produce the 25th project of the young Actor. Sharwanand will also hope that the producer and his Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra Banner turns lucky for him as well. Chandra Mohan, a protege of director Karunakaran will be wielding megaphone for this film. Ratan is the music composer while Karthik Ghattamaneni will be cranking the camera. Andhala Rakshasi Lavanya Tripati will be romancing Sharwanand in this film.