Kristen Bell is all set to appear in the upcoming comedy show, “Bad Moms,” scheduled to be released on July 29. The “Frozen” actress will portray the character of Kiki, an overstressed mom of two kids.In a recent interview, Bell discussed her role in the movie and how similar it is to her real life as just like in the film, she is also a mother of two kids. Talking about her husband, Dax Shepard of “Parenthood” fame, Bell shared her experience of raising the kids.
Bell said that she and Shepard have an understanding where one knows when to take it over from the other. She explained that it helps her greatly to avoid getting to the breaking point as a mom.”My husband and I tap out and take mini-meditative breaks. Because we have two toddlers — they’re so f—–‘ loud. And we keep an eye on each other. Where we’ll go, ‘Oh, okay you can take a break, I’ll take over.’ We step in. When you’re in the ring, you gotta tap out with your partner. That’s how we do it,” Bell said, adding that with constant support from Shepard, she is able to raise her kids more efficiently and at the same time, remain stress-free.
Bell further talked about how she works out her marriage with Shepard and how hard it is to maintain stability in their lives together.”We fought a lot and I loved a dramatic exit. If I could slam a door, I felt so powerful,” Bell stated.
“If I could get in my car and screech away, it was even better. He said to me, ‘If we have an issue, you can’t leave. We’re going to talk or I’m not going to do this with you.’ I loved him so much that I was like, ‘I better get my act together’.”
Discussing her role in “Bad Moms,” Bell said that the part is very similar to her real-life experiences.