Young Rebel Star Prabhas is joining hands with Radhakrishna who made his debut with Gopichand’s Jil. The director who is known for his stylish taking revealed that the movie will be shot fully in abroad and currently they are in the process of finalizing the necessary locations for the shoot.
The director says the movie shoot will commence from January next year. That means, there is a chance for Prabhas to shoot simultaneously for this film and his other film with Run Raja Run fame Sujeeth. The makers are currently busy finalizing the female lead opposite the Young Rebelstar.
They are looking for a new face opposite the hero and currently busy with the auditions. They are looking to finalize one in few weeks time. The director says the movie is a love story. The project will be jointly bankrolled by UV Creations and Prabhas’ home banner, Gopikrishna. More details of this project later